四筒老師最近應用在Java 網路程式設計中,發現Apache Commons Codec 這個懶人包,內建DigestUtils 的類別,給80年代後的年輕人輕鬆處理密碼學的演算法,真的省去了解指導該如演算的架構,直接的拿來引用相當簡單方便,我是過來人要知道加密的演算法還自學密碼學,都把統計學拿出來計算,才把概念弄懂。有多簡單就以下說明,現在使用NET 開發者還是要自己寫演算法喔!所以說目前只有Java 這個程式語言的優勢。
使用MD5、SHA-1、SHA-2(SHA-256、SHA-384、SHA-512) 加密資料
- 敏感資料:舉例來說資料庫裡使用者的的密碼是非常敏感的資料,如果當資料庫被駭客竊取或者管理者監守自盜,很容易讓使用者的密碼就外流,因此如果透不可逆的加密方式,就算被竊取到加密過後的密碼,也無從的得知使用者的密碼是為何。
- 使用者密碼:因為如果利用加密的方式來比對密碼,即可以讓網站維護人員達到「比對密碼」卻「無法得知密碼得正確性」的效用。舉例來說當使用者註冊時時輸入密碼abcdefg此時我們將密碼hash過後變成esZsDxSN6VGbi9JkMSxNZA==並且存入DB(資料庫),爾後當使用者要進行登入網站,我們要比對密碼時,此時我們把使用者這次輸入的密碼進行hash,再比對看看DB裡之前hash過後的密碼是否一致即可。
但是隨著電腦運算能力力越來越強,MD5以及SHA-1目前都已經可以透過碰過攻擊的方式解密以及一些大量的清單可以做比對,詳細可參考MD5 及SHA 維基百科說明。
Download Apache Commons Codec 來源下載網址:https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-codec/download_codec.cgi
NET 開發者可建議參考如下:
[C#] 使用MD5、SHA-1、SHA-2(SHA-256、SHA-384、SHA-512) 加密資料
MD5 及SHA 的加密方式Java 原始碼
package com.four.bots.tester;
import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils;
public class DigestUtilsTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String data = "four-bots";
String key = null;
String val = null;
key = DigestUtils.md5Hex(data);
val = "<MD5 value=\"" + key + "\"/>";
key = DigestUtils.sha1Hex(data);
val = "<SHA-1 value=\"" + key + "\"/>";
key = DigestUtils.sha256Hex(data);
val = "<SHA-2 value=\"" + key + "\"/>";
key = DigestUtils.sha384Hex(data);
val = "<SHA-3 value=\"" + key + "\"/>";
key = DigestUtils.sha512Hex(data);
val = "<SHA512 value=\"" + key + "\"/>";
MD5 及SHA 的加密方式(顯示結果)
<MD5 value="25dbfc4f8a8dac6604972a5cea54b2c9"/>
<SHA-1 value="740e4f6bb2d5fd392d2fc7e8fed4e4fad15469f3"/>
<SHA-2 value="a4669dfa168b69b71eda629d6c47649770075a5c4b5d43d3f9ac26d6bb3c64d6"/>
<SHA-3 value="dd5c7814fb3293abe900779a1274bd29ea3919a3d7e3f7f4359a60ecf7dc3e8262c4368385e749699231a7c08691e2d8"/>
<SHA512 value="b8d4bdb625f83865ff620b5768ed45c285f836eb3d6e531f81c82a61cb0c48a69cebc1db2afb935be9dcc60d913fcd843d82dff8dfcdafe8697b2faf48e687b5"/>
API 項目說明
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
byte[] | digest(byte[] data) Reads through a byte array and returns the digest for the data. |
byte[] | digest(ByteBuffer data) Reads through a ByteBuffer and returns the digest for the data |
byte[] | digest(File data) Reads through a File and returns the digest for the data |
byte[] | digest(InputStream data) Reads through an InputStream and returns the digest for the data |
static byte[] | digest(MessageDigest messageDigest, byte[] data) Reads through a byte array and returns the digest for the data. |
static byte[] | digest(MessageDigest messageDigest, ByteBuffer data) Reads through a ByteBuffer and returns the digest for the data |
static byte[] | digest(MessageDigest messageDigest, File data) Reads through a File and returns the digest for the data |
static byte[] | digest(MessageDigest messageDigest, InputStream data) Reads through an InputStream and returns the digest for the data |
static byte[] | digest(MessageDigest messageDigest, Path data, OpenOption... options) Reads through a File and returns the digest for the data |
static byte[] | digest(MessageDigest messageDigest, RandomAccessFile data) Reads through a RandomAccessFile using non-blocking-io (NIO) and returns the digest for the data |
byte[] | digest(Path data, OpenOption... options) Reads through a File and returns the digest for the data |
byte[] | digest(String data) Reads through a byte array and returns the digest for the data. |
String | digestAsHex(byte[] data) Reads through a byte array and returns the digest for the data. |
String | digestAsHex(ByteBuffer data) Reads through a ByteBuffer and returns the digest for the data |
String | digestAsHex(File data) Reads through a File and returns the digest for the data |
String | digestAsHex(InputStream data) Reads through an InputStream and returns the digest for the data |
String | digestAsHex(Path data, OpenOption... options) Reads through a File and returns the digest for the data |
String | digestAsHex(String data) Reads through a byte array and returns the digest for the data. |
static MessageDigest | getDigest(String algorithm) Returns a MessageDigest for the given algorithm . |
static MessageDigest | getDigest(String algorithm, MessageDigest defaultMessageDigest) Returns a MessageDigest for the given algorithm or a default if there is a problem getting the algorithm. |
static MessageDigest | getMd2Digest() Returns an MD2 MessageDigest. |
static MessageDigest | getMd5Digest() Returns an MD5 MessageDigest. |
MessageDigest | getMessageDigest() Returns the message digest instance. |
static MessageDigest | getSha1Digest() Returns an SHA-1 digest. |
static MessageDigest | getSha256Digest() Returns an SHA-256 digest. |
static MessageDigest | getSha3_224Digest() Returns an SHA3-224 digest. |
static MessageDigest | getSha3_256Digest() Returns an SHA3-256 digest. |
static MessageDigest | getSha3_384Digest() Returns an SHA3-384 digest. |
static MessageDigest | getSha3_512Digest() Returns an SHA3-512 digest. |
static MessageDigest | getSha384Digest() Returns an SHA-384 digest. |
static MessageDigest | getSha512_224Digest() Returns an SHA-512/224 digest. |
static MessageDigest | getSha512_256Digest() Returns an SHA-512/256 digest. |
static MessageDigest | getSha512Digest() Returns an SHA-512 digest. |
static MessageDigest | getShaDigest() Deprecated. (1.11) Use getSha1Digest() |
static boolean | isAvailable(String messageDigestAlgorithm) Test whether the algorithm is supported. |
static byte[] | md2(byte[] data) Calculates the MD2 digest and returns the value as a 16 element byte[] . |
static byte[] | md2(InputStream data) Calculates the MD2 digest and returns the value as a 16 element byte[] . |
static byte[] | md2(String data) Calculates the MD2 digest and returns the value as a 16 element byte[] . |
static String | md2Hex(byte[] data) Calculates the MD2 digest and returns the value as a 32 character hex string. |
static String | md2Hex(InputStream data) Calculates the MD2 digest and returns the value as a 32 character hex string. |
static String | md2Hex(String data) Calculates the MD2 digest and returns the value as a 32 character hex string. |
static byte[] | md5(byte[] data) Calculates the MD5 digest and returns the value as a 16 element byte[] . |
static byte[] | md5(InputStream data) Calculates the MD5 digest and returns the value as a 16 element byte[] . |
static byte[] | md5(String data) Calculates the MD5 digest and returns the value as a 16 element byte[] . |
static String | md5Hex(byte[] data) Calculates the MD5 digest and returns the value as a 32 character hex string. |
static String | md5Hex(InputStream data) Calculates the MD5 digest and returns the value as a 32 character hex string. |
static String | md5Hex(String data) Calculates the MD5 digest and returns the value as a 32 character hex string. |
static byte[] | sha(byte[] data) Deprecated. (1.11) Use sha1(byte[]) |
static byte[] | sha(InputStream data) Deprecated. (1.11) Use sha1(InputStream) |
static byte[] | sha(String data) Deprecated. (1.11) Use sha1(String) |
static byte[] | sha1(byte[] data) Calculates the SHA-1 digest and returns the value as a byte[] . |
static byte[] | sha1(InputStream data) Calculates the SHA-1 digest and returns the value as a byte[] . |
static byte[] | sha1(String data) Calculates the SHA-1 digest and returns the value as a byte[] . |
static String | sha1Hex(byte[] data) Calculates the SHA-1 digest and returns the value as a hex string. |
static String | sha1Hex(InputStream data) Calculates the SHA-1 digest and returns the value as a hex string. |
static String | sha1Hex(String data) Calculates the SHA-1 digest and returns the value as a hex string. |
static byte[] | sha256(byte[] data) Calculates the SHA-256 digest and returns the value as a byte[] . |
static byte[] | sha256(InputStream data) Calculates the SHA-256 digest and returns the value as a byte[] . |
static byte[] | sha256(String data) Calculates the SHA-256 digest and returns the value as a byte[] . |
static String | sha256Hex(byte[] data) Calculates the SHA-256 digest and returns the value as a hex string. |
static String | sha256Hex(InputStream data) Calculates the SHA-256 digest and returns the value as a hex string. |
static String | sha256Hex(String data) Calculates the SHA-256 digest and returns the value as a hex string. |
static byte[] | sha3_224(byte[] data) Calculates the SHA3-224 digest and returns the value as a byte[] . |
static byte[] | sha3_224(InputStream data) Calculates the SHA3-224 digest and returns the value as a byte[] . |
static byte[] | sha3_224(String data) Calculates the SHA3-224 digest and returns the value as a byte[] . |
static String | sha3_224Hex(byte[] data) Calculates the SHA3-224 digest and returns the value as a hex string. |
static String | sha3_224Hex(InputStream data) Calculates the SHA3-224 digest and returns the value as a hex string. |
static String | sha3_224Hex(String data) Calculates the SHA3-224 digest and returns the value as a hex string. |
static byte[] | sha3_256(byte[] data) Calculates the SHA3-256 digest and returns the value as a byte[] . |
static byte[] | sha3_256(InputStream data) Calculates the SHA3-256 digest and returns the value as a byte[] . |
static byte[] | sha3_256(String data) Calculates the SHA3-256 digest and returns the value as a byte[] . |
static String | sha3_256Hex(byte[] data) Calculates the SHA3-256 digest and returns the value as a hex string. |
static String | sha3_256Hex(InputStream data) Calculates the SHA3-256 digest and returns the value as a hex string. |
static String | sha3_256Hex(String data) Calculates the SHA3-256 digest and returns the value as a hex string. |
static byte[] | sha3_384(byte[] data) Calculates the SHA3-384 digest and returns the value as a byte[] . |
static byte[] | sha3_384(InputStream data) Calculates the SHA3-384 digest and returns the value as a byte[] . |
static byte[] | sha3_384(String data) Calculates the SHA3-384 digest and returns the value as a byte[] . |
static String | sha3_384Hex(byte[] data) Calculates the SHA3-384 digest and returns the value as a hex string. |
static String | sha3_384Hex(InputStream data) Calculates the SHA3-384 digest and returns the value as a hex string. |
static String | sha3_384Hex(String data) Calculates the SHA3-384 digest and returns the value as a hex string. |
static byte[] | sha3_512(byte[] data) Calculates the SHA3-512 digest and returns the value as a byte[] . |
static byte[] | sha3_512(InputStream data) Calculates the SHA3-512 digest and returns the value as a byte[] . |
static byte[] | sha3_512(String data) Calculates the SHA3-512 digest and returns the value as a byte[] . |
static String | sha3_512Hex(byte[] data) Calculates the SHA3-512 digest and returns the value as a hex string. |
static String | sha3_512Hex(InputStream data) Calculates the SHA3-512 digest and returns the value as a hex string. |
static String | sha3_512Hex(String data) Calculates the SHA3-512 digest and returns the value as a hex string. |
static byte[] | sha384(byte[] data) Calculates the SHA-384 digest and returns the value as a byte[] . |
static byte[] | sha384(InputStream data) Calculates the SHA-384 digest and returns the value as a byte[] . |
static byte[] | sha384(String data) Calculates the SHA-384 digest and returns the value as a byte[] . |
static String | sha384Hex(byte[] data) Calculates the SHA-384 digest and returns the value as a hex string. |
static String | sha384Hex(InputStream data) Calculates the SHA-384 digest and returns the value as a hex string. |
static String | sha384Hex(String data) Calculates the SHA-384 digest and returns the value as a hex string. |
static byte[] | sha512_224(byte[] data) Calculates the SHA-512/224 digest and returns the value as a byte[] . |
static byte[] | sha512_224(InputStream data) Calculates the SHA-512/224 digest and returns the value as a byte[] . |
static byte[] | sha512_224(String data) Calculates the SHA-512/224 digest and returns the value as a byte[] . |
static String | sha512_224Hex(byte[] data) Calculates the SHA-512/224 digest and returns the value as a hex string. |
static String | sha512_224Hex(InputStream data) Calculates the SHA-512/224 digest and returns the value as a hex string. |
static String | sha512_224Hex(String data) Calculates the SHA-512/224 digest and returns the value as a hex string. |
static byte[] | sha512_256(byte[] data) Calculates the SHA-512/256 digest and returns the value as a byte[] . |
static byte[] | sha512_256(InputStream data) Calculates the SHA-512/256 digest and returns the value as a byte[] . |
static byte[] | sha512_256(String data) Calculates the SHA-512/256 digest and returns the value as a byte[] . |
static String | sha512_256Hex(byte[] data) Calculates the SHA-512/256 digest and returns the value as a hex string. |
static String | sha512_256Hex(InputStream data) Calculates the SHA-512/256 digest and returns the value as a hex string. |
static String | sha512_256Hex(String data) Calculates the SHA-512/256 digest and returns the value as a hex string. |
static byte[] | sha512(byte[] data) Calculates the SHA-512 digest and returns the value as a byte[] . |
static byte[] | sha512(InputStream data) Calculates the SHA-512 digest and returns the value as a byte[] . |
static byte[] | sha512(String data) Calculates the SHA-512 digest and returns the value as a byte[] . |
static String | sha512Hex(byte[] data) Calculates the SHA-512 digest and returns the value as a hex string. |
static String | sha512Hex(InputStream data) Calculates the SHA-512 digest and returns the value as a hex string. |
static String | sha512Hex(String data) Calculates the SHA-512 digest and returns the value as a hex string. |
static String | shaHex(byte[] data) Deprecated. (1.11) Use sha1Hex(byte[]) |
static String | shaHex(InputStream data) Deprecated. (1.11) Use sha1Hex(InputStream) |
static String | shaHex(String data) Deprecated. (1.11) Use sha1Hex(String) |
static MessageDigest | updateDigest(MessageDigest messageDigest, byte[] valueToDigest) Updates the given MessageDigest . |
static MessageDigest | updateDigest(MessageDigest messageDigest, ByteBuffer valueToDigest) Updates the given MessageDigest . |
static MessageDigest | updateDigest(MessageDigest digest, File data) Reads through a File and updates the digest for the data |
static MessageDigest | updateDigest(MessageDigest digest, InputStream inputStream) Reads through an InputStream and updates the digest for the data |
static MessageDigest | updateDigest(MessageDigest digest, Path path, OpenOption... options) Reads through a Path and updates the digest for the data |
static MessageDigest | updateDigest(MessageDigest digest, RandomAccessFile data) Reads through a RandomAccessFile and updates the digest for the data using non-blocking-io (NIO) |
static MessageDigest | updateDigest(MessageDigest messageDigest, String valueToDigest) Updates the given MessageDigest from a String (converted to bytes using UTF-8). |